Total Acre is dedicated to partnering with our farmer members. The focus is on helping producers showcase continual, measured improvement within their farm. Our members are fully committed to the Total Acre program which helps support operational efficiency by implementing calculated best practices that maximize ROI.
Membership program Detail
Membership engagement is anchored by Randy Dowdy and David Hula. Both hold world records for Corn and Soybean farm production. The team leads educational grower clinics, camps, and meetings throughout the season. Each winter, the annual Grower Clinic serves as the pinnacle event, showcasing the culmination of thought-leadership with grower results, collaboration, learning and fellowship.
Collaboration and learning opportunities anchored by world record instructors Dowdy & Hula during several in-person meetings, camps and clinics through out the each season.
expert advice
Participate with hands-on learning and interactive teaching from industry experts. Answering questions together, Randy & David challenge growers to think outside-the-box.
hands-on learning
Randy and David host in-field sessions to give you interactive and practical support.
ANALYSis & reflection
Benefit from the end-of-year chance to review results and prepare for next year.
Total Acre’s custom build farm software tool (YMS) provides data storage and information based farming solutions. This technology empowers precision strategies that increases confidence of grower decisions.
Randy & David's will give recommendations on your soil and tissue sample values.
real-time data
Compare management and results among the group.
The Total Acre is program is a 3 year program that brings together a community of collaborative growers across the nation. Our Farmer members thrive by learning within an interactive network of their peers and benefit from the challenging environment that they help create.
Network & Community
Learn and share together alongside 50+ growers together in your area. Building a unique grower community balanced with fellowship, collaborative energy and a lifetime of friendships.
Industry Access
Access to industry experts within the largest names and brands in Agriculture. Members learn how to ask the right questions and challenge the system norms.
Several annual engagement opportunities with multi-day farm camps, grower clinics and meetings. Each season strengthens the fellowship with group. Our members, whether they are brand new, experience veterans or graduated alumni . . . all work directly with each other to create a unique companionship that extends support well beyond the program.
Who should join the Total Acre program?
Motivated growers interested in getting better, open to making changes, and using technology. Randy & David want to pay it forward by sharing what they’ve learned, but you have to be willing to participate and engage.
““Don’t be a ‘next year’ man. Stop hoping and start knowing. Be proactive and let’s go to the Next Level, together!””